How can you save on your electricity bill?

Switch to Holaluz and discover a company that puts you at the center of all our decisions

because if it's not good for you, it's not good for us.

Save with green energy

No surprises on your bill

Save by adjusting the electrical power

We make things simpler

At Holaluz we take care of everything related to your energy, and you only have to enjoy your green energy.

Understand your energy bill in 2 minutes

Understanding the energy bill may seem impossible. But in Holaluz we know that impossible is nothing: it just takes a little longer. So let's go :)

Join the fair energy revolution and discover an electricity company that lets you see things differently

Save with 100% green energy

A personalised electrical rate

No surprise on your bills

No exceptions or minimum contracts

You can change even if you're not a homeowner

900 67 07 07

from 9:00AM to 19:00PM, Monday to Friday