Get the most out of subsidies for solar panels with Holaluz

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How do grants for the installation of solar panels work?

Check if there are still grants and subsidies available in your community for installing solar panels. Our team of experts will advise you so you can benefit from them.


We'll tell you all about grants, procedures, surpluses, batteries, types and numbers of panels, and much more.

Online webinars about solar panels

Save as much as possible with your solar installation

Our experts will help you in the process so it is as simple as possible for you, including all the subsidies and aids for solar panels so that you get the most out of your installation.

Happy woman relax

The time is now

Due to the variability of said grants and subsidies for solar panels, it's a good idea to check the latest announcements and specific requirements of the relevant institutions. You can consult the IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía - Institution for Energy Diversification and Saving), your Autonomous Community, or your local council to get the most up-to-date information about grants available for the installation of solar panels in Spain.

Questions about grants for solar panels? We've got the answers