We'll take care of applying for all the permits for installing your solar panels.


Permits necessary for installing solar panels for your home

Below, we'll list all the permits necessary for installing solar panels. Some have to be applied for before the installation, and others afterwards. The complexity of all this and the timeline for approval depends on each local council and Autonomous Community. But as we've said, we'll manage it all for you.

Permits required prior to installation

Permits required after installation

Regulations for the installation of solar panels for homes

Installing solar panels with Holaluz is this easy

With Holaluz, you can install solar panels from the comfort of your sofa. All you have to do is call us, and we'll do the rest.

We process all the permits

We're experts


We'll tell you all about grants, procedures, surpluses, batteries, types and numbers of panels, and much more.

Online webinars about solar panels

900 67 07 07

from 9:00AM to 19:00PM, Monday to Friday