General Conditions
Holaluz periodically launches Promo Codes in order to join more people to its green energy revolution. These promo codes might be used by new electricity clients as well as new solar installations.
The particular conditions will be delivered alongside with the Promo Codes and they will indicate the specific dates of its application, the procedure for its application and the benefits to obtain.
To make use of the active Promo Codes we need you to accept these conditions. Easy, right?
Who can use them?
The active Promo Codes can be used by both natural and legal persons who have not contracted any supply with Holaluz in the last 12 months at the time of contracting the new supply and those that contract the installation of solar panels.
Promo Codes are for personal use and are not transferable. They can’t be used by third parties (except in the case when specifically indicated in the Promo Code’s particular conditions). Anyone using a Promo Code must be of legal age.
Promo Codes are incompatible with the application of the “Chain Effect” or “MGM” (“member get member”) promotion.
How are they used?
If you have an active discount code, keep it while contracting the services (either through the phone or Holaluz’s website). It will be requested before formalizing the contract.
In case the promocode has additional terms and conditions, these will be included in the information given alongside with it. In the event of any discrepancy between the Promo Code particular conditions and the present general conditions, the particular ones will prevail.
If the Promo Code is no longer valid, you will be informed before finishing with the validation of the contract.
The contracted supply or service will be regulated by the Terms and Conditions of the formalized contract.
When will you receive the benefit?
The promocode payment will be made between one and two months after the payment of the first invoice by the client. In the case of Promo Codes applicable to the installation of solar panels, unless something different is established in its Particular Conditions, the payment will be made after one to two months from the payment of its totality. Fair, right?
Which jurisdiction and law applies?
To resolve any discrepancy or misunderstanding in relation to the application of this campaign, you must go to the ordinary courts of the client’s domicile. The applicable law will be the Spanish one.