Contact Holaluz
How can we help?
Phone number for clients
900 64 92 92
Monday to Friday – 9am to 7pm
Free phone
900 64 94 64
24 hours a day, 7 days a week (emergencies only)
If you’re an electricity or client of ours or have solar panels (whether at home or for your business), contact us so we can answer any questions you might have.
Information and sales number
900 67 07 07
from 9:00AM to 19:00PM, Monday to Friday
What can be done with Holaluz over the phone?
Join the Rooftop Revolution
Electricity rates
With our technology, we personalise your quota so that you pay the right amount on your electricity bill
Get a quoteInstall solar panels
With Holaluz you can reduce your electricity bill to €0 by revolutionising your roof
Calculate your savingsSelf-consumption surplus tariff
Sell the surplus from your solar installation at the best price with HolaluzCloud
Sell your surplus